Since Covid started and gyms and fitness studios have had to close or severely limit capacity and class size, more and more people are trying to figure out how to workout at home.
Do you remember back in April and May when you couldn’t find home workout equipment? Yeah…
As we head into shorter, darker days (both actual and metaphorical), finding time to workout will become even more important: regular exercise helps to boost your immune system so you can stay healthy when we have Covid and the Flu going around. And exercise can help support your mood and mental health, so if you (like me) are faced with the prospect of both seasonal depression AND the ceaseless existential dread from, you know *gestures broadly* everything, establishing a home workout routine could do a lot to help you make it through the next 6 months relatively unscathed.
Buuut, maybe that’s easier said than done, right? You’ve got your bands, your hand weights, and your mat. What do you do with them?
Is this how you do it?
There are lots of different ways to workout, depending on what your goals are.
If you’re a bodybuilder, your workout is going to look a lot different than the workout for a runner.
But if you’re just a regular person whose goals involve staying somewhat active or strong enough to support any physical hobbies you may have, such as aerial, hiking, or pole dancing, a circuit style workout might be just the ticket.
A circuit style workout is great if you’re limited on time, want to work the whole body in one workout, and want to build or maintain an all over baseline of strength. A good circuit workout will have a balance of the type of movements we use in our daily life: pushing, pulling, and leg stuff like squats and lunges.
Here is my recipe for a circuit workout:
A leg thing (e.g. squats, lunges, or bridges)

A pulling thing

A pushing thing

A combo thing

An ab thing

Do 8-15 repetitions of each exercise and repeat up to 3 times. You can do the same thing each time, or if you get bored like me, each round can have different variations.
You can do this type of workout with any equipment: weights, resistance bands, body weight. If you’ve got a pull up bar, sets of pull-ups can get thrown into the mix! I love this type of workout because it’s highly adaptable and appropriate for basically any level of fitness. The most important thing to remember is that there is no one perfect workout. We move our bodies in all sorts of different ranges of motion all day long, and our workouts should reflect that by including diverse and varied movement.
Variety is the spice of life!
Still feel like you could use a little help? I got you!
Check out The Regular Person’s Guide to Aerial Conditioning at Home: A 6 week course designed to build core strength, improve flexibility, and develop the pushing and pulling strength needed to perform aerial work with ease.
Not into aerial, but want a simple way to build strength + flexibility to support you in everything you do and get fit at home? This course does that too!
I’m interested in your WORKOUTS!!!
Hey, check out my online course! Let me know if you have any questions!