Regular Person’s Guide to
Aerial Conditioning at Home
Anyone can be successful at aerial.
You just need the right approach.
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Sign Up!New to aerial and not sure how to practice at home?
Struggling with “basic” skills, such as straddle ups, climbing, or front balance?
Feel like you don’t understand what your coach is asking you to do?
Is there a disconnect between what you understand and what your body can do?
Stuck in what feels like an endless cycle of injuries no matter what you do?
Trying to get back into the air after baby and worried that your core isn’t strong enough yet?
I get it.
I’ve been there too
I can help!

When I first started my aerial training, I had tons of enthusiasm, but not a lot of strength or know how to back it up. I was just a regular person without much physical background. I wasn’t super strong, or particularly flexible.
While my coach could teach me tricks, she didn’t have the education to help me understand how my body was supposed to work! I was constantly practicing, but practice didn’t make perfect. Instead, it left me frustrated and injured trying to figure out how to make my body do the things I wanted it to do.
Initially, I thought that if I just trained HARDER and LONGER. I would get BETTER, but the opposite happened. Instead, the more I trained, the more injured, exhausted, and demoralized I became.
I was at war with my body. It became the enemy that was keeping me from what I wanted – until one day, I’d had enough. I decided there had to be a better way to train for aerial. One where you saw results, instead of pain and injury.
There was.
For the last 8 years, not only have I helped myself master aerial skills without being in a cycle of chronic pain, but I’ve also been learning everything I can about how to help regular people like you build a strong foundation for successful aerial training. I’ve worked with hundreds of students and I can confidently tell you that ANYONE can be successful at aerial. You just need the right approach.
This course has begun!
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Sign Up!When I first started my aerial training, I had tons of enthusiasm, but not a lot of strength or know how to back it up. I was just a regular person without much physical background. I wasn’t super strong, or particularly flexible.
While my coach could teach me tricks, she didn’t have the education to help me understand how my body was supposed to work! I was constantly practicing, but practice didn’t make perfect. Instead, it left me frustrated and injured trying to figure out how to make my body do the things I wanted it to do.
Initially, I thought that if I just trained HARDER and LONGER. I would get BETTER, but the opposite happened. Instead, the more I trained, the more injured, exhausted, and demoralized I became.
I was at war with my body. It became the enemy that was keeping me from what I wanted – until one day, I’d had enough. I decided there had to be a better way to train for aerial. One where you saw results, instead of pain and injury.
There was.
For the last 8 years, not only have I helped myself master aerial skills without being in a cycle of chronic pain, but I’ve also been learning everything I can about how to help regular people like you build a strong foundation for successful aerial training. I’ve worked with hundreds of students and I can confidently tell you that ANYONE can be successful at aerial. You just need the right approach.
This course has begun!
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Sign Up!I get it.
I’ve been there too
I can help!

For the last 8 years, not only have I helped myself master aerial skills without being in a cycle of chronic pain, but I’ve also been learning everything I can about how to help regular people like you build a strong foundation for successful aerial training. I’ve worked with hundreds of students and I can confidently tell you that ANYONE can be successful at aerial. You just need the right approach.
Here's what they don't tell you in circus school...
You don’t JUST need to be strong to be an aerialist. You also need stability, mobility, and control.
This is a fancy way of saying that you need to be able to control a lot of teeny tiny things happening in your body all at the same time while you’re also doing really big, dynamic, whole body movements.
Sound complicated? That’s where I come in!
Enter The Regular Person’s Guide to Aerial Conditioning at Home: A 6 week online group coaching program that gives you the stability, mobility, and strength to reach your fullest potential as an aerialist at home!
In this program, you’ll learn how to:
Strengthen and stabilize your core, which is essential for aerial!
Specific exercises and techniques to develop the pulling strength to perform aerial with ease.
Workout at home to build the strength to successfully perform aerial moves
Safely and effectively gain mobility + flexibility
What you get when you join:
3 workouts a week for 6 weeks!
You can do these on your own schedule. Expect 1 stability and core workout, 1 mobility and active flex, and 1 strength workout.
Access to a private Facebook group to ask questions, share videos, and celebrate your successes!
3 live Zoom classes with me focused on all the prehab that every aerialist should be doing every day plus time at the end for Q&A!
Can’t make the class? Don’t worry, it’s recorded and shared so you can follow along every day for the rest of your life (j/k lol, but really….)
Safely and effectively gain mobility + flexibility
More importantly, this isn’t just a program where I’ll share some videos and send you on your way to figure it out alone. You’ll also get access to me and my almost a decade of experience to help you navigate the process and get unstuck if you hit any roadblocks…and believe me when I say that aerial is hard and there will be roadblocks. It’s part of the process!
Ready to master aerial without the frustration of lack of progress or injuries?
This course has begun!
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Sign Up!I’ve bet you’ve got some questions!
Let’s see if I can answer them!
Every Monday for the 6 weeks of the course you’ll get access to 3 prerecorded workouts- 1 stability, 1 mobility, and 1 strength focused. You can do them on your own schedule!
Additionally, there will be 3 live Zoom classes scheduled over the 6 weeks. Live classes will be in PST. If you’re not able to make the live class, you’ll have a chance to ask questions and make requests that can be covered in the class, and the replay will be available on the site.
You will need to purchase some equipment, but not a lot. All the workouts will be done with resistance loops and tubing. You should be able to get it all for around $65. Yoga blocks are also encouraged, but not required. You’ll get links to everything you need in your confirmation email when you’ve completed registering for the course. You’ll also need a space in your house where tubing can be anchored in a door.
Workouts vary in length, but are usually between 35-45 minutes long.
If you’re injured, please get in touch so we can discuss whether this course is appropriate for you at this time! If you have been cleared for regular exercise, this course will probably be the perfect thing to help you on your recovery!
Throughout the course, I do my best to offer common modifications, but if you find you need something specific you can reach out to me and we’ll figure out the best option for you!
Finally, let's be real here.
This program isn’t going to make you an overnight circus superstar. You’re not going to get oversplits or a back planche in 6 weeks doing this program. What you ARE going to get is a wealth of information and skills to help you support your body during all the training and physical activity you do for the rest of your life AND long term that will set you up to do incredible things!
So no matter what your goals are, flexibility, strength, or both, you’ll be able to work towards those goals with confidence and be able to keep yourself safe during your training for years to come.
This course has begun!
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